
Plan for 2021

The calendar is just about to turn over to a New Year. It feels like everyone wants to put 2020 well behind us. It has been a challenging year to say the least. Many of our clients have been through a difficult year, with businesses being forced to close and make significant changes to how they operate.

How did you adjust in 2020?

Junction Digital was able to help our clients be nimble and flexible with their go to market strategies. Some clients added online storefronts. Others changed the creative messaging to provide information to customers about how they are providing a safe environment for them. For many we shifted the ad focus across platforms to capitalize on media usage trends. Some clients saw improved results with search while others got more traction with social media or programmatic ads. Many clients still had a very successful year as their digital marketing helped them find new customers and build business despite the impact of COVID 19.

Leverage your  digital marketing, selling and delivery

If your business is in the retail sector then you must be able to sell online. You should provide delivery options, if you can physically ship small items. Larger items require pickup or special delivery services, until customers are allowed back in stores. Make sure your business lets people shop online. People are very comfortable doing this now.

If your business is a service then you have already adopted to online and over the phone interaction with your customers. Video meetings are now common with customers. Just make sure your marketing is getting the conversions you need and bringing potential customers to your site.

Every business is still faced with the challenge of finding new customers and this is true perhaps more than ever now. Junction Digital is here to help you navigate through this challenging environment by developing an effective online marketing strategy that fits your budget and delivers results.

We wish everyone Happy Holidays and a safe and successful New Year.

How to Reach People Now

With so many people at home, spending time online, we are seeing increased web activity. If you are a business that wants to take a digital step forward, this is an opportunity to reach consumers where they are spending more time now. They are at home, they are on the internet, doing searches and on social media. We want to help you reach these consumers.

Search engine marketing programs reach active consumers looking for your products and services. They are looking for service and delivery options. Consumers are reviewing financial services and insurance services. They are planning future purchases while actively looking for goods that can be safely picked up or delivered. Work form home products and services are in demand. Online education will grow for children and adults. People looking for new hobbies and pursuits.

Social media ads are a highly effective way to connect your business to consumers. When physical social interaction is not an option, social networks are a place people go to connect. We build your business with the digital strategies that make sense for your business. Your situation is unique and requires a custom approach.

How to Adapt with Digital Strategies

Through our many discussions with our clients & partners we understand businesses are facing unexpected challenges in light of the impact of COVID-19. In some cases that has meant temporary business shut downs, with cost reductions or a shift in business practices for others. As a digital marketing agency our job is to come up with strategies to help our partners move forward, adjust quickly and plan for the future. Which leads many to the question….. what can we do right now?

Take advantage of delivery and digital selling

Consumers are taking advantage of online buying and delivery options. is Canada’s largest online marketplace reaching 23 million registered shoppers and can be an excellent option for businesses to expand sales. As well companies are seeing significant increases in their own digital e-commerce platforms and delivery services. If online selling is an option for you here are some considerations:

  • We are an Amazon agency. We can get your business setup for selling on Amazon. This can be a new ongoing business opportunity for you. Amazon has several  storefront and shipping options, to make your fulfillment process extremely simple.
  • Promote your existing delivery and digital commerce opportunities. Some businesses already have these options but there hasn’t been consumer awareness. Now is the time to setup a conversion focused campaign to promote what consumers want right now…. home delivery

Contact us to discuss your business needs.