The Crucial Role of Advertising in Tough Economic Times

When the business environment feels tight and customers are cutting spending, the temptation for businesses to cut costs often leads to slashing advertising budgets. However, this approach can be counterproductive. Here’s why:   **Maintaining Visibility**: In tough times, consumers become more selective about their spending. By maintaining advertising efforts, businesses ensure they stay top-of-mind when […]

The Customer Acquisition Challenge

Small businesses are the heartbeat of local economies, embodying innovation, uniqueness, and a personal touch that big corporations often struggle to replicate. However, beneath the surface of their success stories lies the challenging task of acquiring customers. Without new customers a business doesn’t grow. One of the most significant hurdles that small businesses encounter is […]

Reach more people with Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising has emerged as a powerful technique for reaching targeted audiences at scale. To succeed in this dynamic field, marketers need to harness the right tools. Let’s explore the tools that can empower advertisers with their programmatic marketing. Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs): A DSP is the cornerstone of programmatic advertising, allowing marketers to automate ad […]

How to Use Ad Groups in Search Ads

Organizing your Google Search campaigns effectively is crucial for achieving optimal results. Ad groups play a vital role in structuring and managing your campaigns efficiently. In this blog post, we delve into the concept of ad groups and explore how they are used to enhance the effectiveness of your Google Search Ad campaigns. Ad groups […]

Facebook Ad Formats

Facebook offers a variety of ad formats that small and large businesses can use to promote their products or services. Here are the advantages of some of the most popular types of Facebook ads: Single Image Ads: These are the most common and basic type of Facebook ads. They are simple, yet effective in catching […]

Facebook Advertising for Small Business

Facebook is an incredibly powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. For small businesses, in particular, it can be a game-changer. Here are the top three benefits of Facebook advertising for small businesses: Cost-effective: Facebook advertising is one of the most cost-effective forms of digital marketing. With a relatively small budget, small businesses can […]

Cost per Click Rates

Cost per click (CPC) rates are an important metric for advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. The cost per click rate refers to the amount an advertiser pays each time a user clicks on one of their ads. In B2C (Business to Consumer) advertising, the cost per click can vary greatly depending […]

Delivering ROI for your PPC Ads

Measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) from Google paid search advertising is a crucial aspect for any business looking to optimize their advertising spend. Paid search advertising, also known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, involves paying for advertising space on Google and other search engines to display ads to users when they search for keywords related […]

Google Ads Explained

Google Ads is a popular online advertising platform that allows businesses to display their advertisements to a vast audience. The platform operates on a pay-per-click model, meaning advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. To get started with Google Ads, businesses create an account and set up a campaign. They then create ads, […]


PPC Advertising

Pay per click (PPC) advertising is a popular and effective way for businesses to reach new customers and drive traffic to their website. Here are some of the key benefits of using PPC advertising: Targeted audience: PPC ads allow you to target specific demographics, such as age, location, and interests, ensuring that your ad is […]

Plan for 2021

The calendar is just about to turn over to a New Year. It feels like everyone wants to put 2020 well behind us. It has been a challenging year to say the least. Many of our clients have been through a difficult year, with businesses being forced to close and make significant changes to how […]

The Growth of Ecommerce recently released survey results in May 2020 about ecommerce sales by category. The data is all US data, but it we expect the info to be similar in Canada. Overall ecommerce will account for 14% of retail sales this year. If you exclude gasoline and auto sales, that number is 20%. For the first […]

How to Re-Engage with Customers

As we move through the many changes we are facing together, businesses are opening again and re-engaging with their customers. Businesses are adjusting to the requirements that govern physical interaction with customers. When we speak with these businesses, they are seeking answers to the challenge of how to communicate with their customers. We can manage […]

How to Reach People Now

With so many people at home, spending time online, we are seeing increased web activity. If you are a business that wants to take a digital step forward, this is an opportunity to reach consumers where they are spending more time now. They are at home, they are on the internet, doing searches and on […]

How to Adapt with Digital Strategies

Through our many discussions with our clients & partners we understand businesses are facing unexpected challenges in light of the impact of COVID-19. In some cases that has meant temporary business shut downs, with cost reductions or a shift in business practices for others. As a digital marketing agency our job is to come up […]

Facebook Post Boosts & Facebook Ads

  Managing an organization’s Facebook page involves working with our clients to create relevant posts and using Facebook Ad Manager for marketing campaigns. When a post is created Facebook makes it very easy to extend the audience reach of that post by simply giving it a Boost. For a few extra dollars that post can […]

Using In Market Audience Targeting

Search Engine Marketing is something almost every organization should use. A key to strong performance is using the tools Google makes available. One of these tools is to set up targeting that reaches in-market audience segments. In-market audiences are people Google has identified as being ready to buy specific products or services. This is based […]

Digital Marketing by the Numbers

Here are some marketing statistics that show the incredible power of digital marketing. -Google drives 95% of all paid search ad clicks on mobile devices – Business Insider -48% of customers started a search for something they bought with a mobile search – Google -2 million businesses used Facebook ads in 2018 – Hootsuite -82% […]

Your Customer’s Journey

As you work on finding new customers for your business you should think of where they are in their process or journey of using your services or buying your products. Your digital marketing should be designed to engage with potential customers at each stage of their buying process. Customer Stages These customer stages are generally […]

New Facebook Metrics Coming in April

For many years Facebook has used Relevance Score to measure ads in terms of their relevance to their target audience. This basic metric was somewhat helpful for marketers but not necessarily that insightful. Now Facebook will introduce new metrics to replace the Relevance Score at end of April. Instead of the current Relevance Score, Facebook […]

Are you considering the merits of working with a digital marketing agency?

Here are two factors to consider if you are working through this decision. 1. What expertise do I have or do my employees have in digital marketing? There are many aspects to building and managing your online presence. Options include pay per click search ads, facebook ads plus display and video ads. Then you have […]

What Digital Ad Platform Works Best?

It’s a question we often get from new clients. The answer is of course “It depends”. It really does depend on your immediate and longer term objectives. But the answer can be summed up in two ways. If you want to reach people who are actively looking for services, products, ideas and offers then you […]