Using In Market Audience Targeting

Search Engine Marketing is something almost every organization should use. A key to strong performance is using the tools Google makes available. One of these tools is to set up targeting that reaches in-market audience segments.

In-market audiences are people Google has identified as being ready to buy specific products or services. This is based on their web browsing behaviour. People who are in-market means that they are doing research online before they buy a service or product. They are spending more time than usual  comparing products, prices or services.

According to Google these “audiences are designed for advertisers focused on getting conversions from likely buyers”. Google also states “In-market audiences can help drive remarketing performance and reach consumers close to completing a purchase.”

At Junction Digital we regularly use in-market audiences. For example a travel client is set up to find people who are actively looking for travel related services. These include people looking for a hotel or a travel destination. We want to reach people who enjoy outdoor activities like skiing, camping and hiking so we focus our ads on people looking for sporting goods.

If your Search Engine Marketing isn’t taking advantage of audience targeting then reach out to us at Junction Digital.